UVC Solutions

Intelligent UV-C Disinfection Solutions

Identify,Treat & Verify

Cooling Tower

Maintaining a cooling tower is critical to a facility’s operating cost, energy efficiency, and sustainable operations.

Water Tower

Custom Water treatment designed for high-performance facilities. Continuous pathogen risk reduction for supply.

HVAC on Coil

Biofouling increases airside pressure drop and decreases airside heat transfer coefficient, resulting in energy loss.

Cooling Tower Maintenance Essentials:

Energy Savings ~19% Water Savings ~22% and Chemical Savings ~42% per unit.

compliance with Local Law 97.

Routine Care: Adhere to manufacturer & health codes for maintenance, cleaning, and disinfection.

Chemical Optimization: Limit oxidizers and biocides to essential levels.

pH Balance: Ensure pH is basic and maintained between 7.0 and 8.5.

Biofilm & Pathogen Control: Utilize Cognituv UV-C solution to minimize biofilm and pathogens.

System Monitoring: Tri-weekly monitoring of temperature, pH, conductivity, and halogen residuals.

Seasonal Procedures: Reports for seasonal and annual procedures and certifications.

Quarterly Inspections: Conduct quarterly compliance inspections and ensure aerosol control.

Optimize water, energy, and chemical usage.

Custom Water treatment designed for high performance facilities

Continuous Pathogen Risk Reduction for Supply or Reuse

Cleaning and polishing of the water for improving water quality

Customizable, Tunable to your operational and compliance needs

Integrated Sensors, Monitoring, and Control Systems

Reporting for Continuous M&V (Measurement & Verification)

Increase Water and Energy Efficiency

Reduce Labor, Regulatory, and Chemical Burden

Extend equipment life downstream

Helps compliance for Local Law 97

HVAC Health Check

Biofouling increases airside pressure drop and decreases airside heat transfer coefficient, Resulting in Energy Loss, Reduced Airflow, and Poor Indoor Air Quality. Ok, so the solution is to just clean it regularly?? Periodic chemical cleaning the HVAC , which is costly, labor intensive, and corrosion inducing.

Disinfect Air & Surfaces

Reduce Odors & VOCs

IoT-Enabled Data Validation

Predictive Maintenance

15-20% Energy Savings

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